We have to admit our pooches are not the wild roaming dogs anymore so we cant compare them to those hardy beasts who hunt their own food but we have to admit we are not the pioneering cowboys of yesteryear either so we must accept our dogs have issues which we may be a part of. When dogs come to Rosiesretreat home stays we cant assume one size fits all, an example we often get is the older dogs, well they should be calm old wise dogs and certainly toilet trained but in reality some older dogs are anxious and toilet inside, we need to be aware that stress can cause this and we think they will settle anywhere but they take longer to settle in to their new environment than the younger dogs, we think dogs will eat when they come to stay every dog loves food but again stress can cause the opposite efffect and we at Rosies learn to discern and see whats going on and most of all we dont panick and eventually they will eat, some even two days later but just being aware these dogs are certainly treated like children and we dont expect the hunter and gather wolf dog of the wild anymore so we accept who they are. People laugh and critize the owners for making these dogs like this but that wont help the dog at all we need to understand their needs and make time away from home as normal as it can be for them and cuddles and walks and more cuddles help them fit in. Are there dogs that the anxiety is too much, sadly yes and we suggest they get extra help and the four legged friends just cant be looked after till they get some help and we only hope for the dogs sake the owners invest in that dog of theirs and we dont judge the owner, even though its mainly their doing but we have super dog trainers who can help these ones. Dogs ins and outs just are complex, we have seen it first hand with my business and what we think a dog should be is no longer the norm but they give us so much pleasure we can overlook the little things but encourage owners to address the bigger issues ,so rest assured you can still go on holiday and leave your dog with a trusted minder at Rosiesretreat but be honest with us in the issues your pet has so we can find the best solution to help them settle in. Dogs snuggled up in bed with PJS on a cold winters night is becoming the norm ,embrace it be happy and enjoy your dog whichever way you wish to do it we will support you and just know WE DO UNDERSTAND.

Ins and outs of dogs
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- October 12, 2019
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