Christmas is over we waved goodbye to our doggie holiday stays and we had so much fun last year getting new dogs as well coming to stay and they were such delightful characters, but now we move to another year and even though we  do not know what it holds for everyone we do know Rosiesretreats door will always be open as fun loving New Zealanders will be planning their new trips. It has been such a joy being the founder of Rosiesretreat as dogs need a comforting fun place to go when family go on holiday and it brings joy to me knowing  I have an amazing set of  minders who are with me and love dogs as much as I do. We have had to say goodbye to some minders last year out of sad circumstances and miss them and their input soooo much , but what a great gift they gave to all the dogs they had stay and the wonderful memories they can take with them. Rosiesretreat is more than a holiday stay , its beautiful memories, of how wonderful dogs really are and the families we have come to know so well and if I was to describe it all,  it really is FAMILY, as the dogs become part of our family and our home. This blog is a walk down memory lane and every dog minder who has been on our team has a story to tell with all the four legged friends that have come through their door and good and bad things we remember as well. As long as their dogs in the world we have a better world we live in and will always smile and laugh at the silly things they have us doing and saying and I know they listen when we have those in depth talks to them.

If you ever want to join the team we are here for you and guarantee a fun trip caring for the dogs and enjoying their company  just drop us a line at [email protected].

And indeed here we go again another year another chapter and let the dogs come and keep coming.


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