At Rosiesretreat dog minding do you ever wonder what do I get for my money well there is the obvious charges for admin and costs to having a service and police checks and insurance for your protection, but have you ever considered behind the scenes costs for the minders take a look. Your normal life you wake get breakfast begin your day when dogs arrive you have to get up much earlier sometimes your sleep is distrupted to letting them out at 3 am to toilet, they are a little anxious coming into a new home and dont sleep as well, some require to sleep in your bed so you dont sleep as well. Your day is no longer yours there are walks and non stop cuddles and the over the top attention seeking dogs, more ratherĀ than few that come through your doors,there are the pills and potions and special diets to attend to and the list goes on. You see my minders put aside there life for awhile and their schedule to look after your fur babies and thats why they deserve the money paid to them and if I was to put them on an hourly rate they would be millionaires (dont get any ideas guys not happening). I thought I would just point out that your payment to look after your dogs gets fully earned as we dont just sit around and do nothing when dogs arrive , some minders have appointments to go to they have to work around dog stays and if they do go out they are always aware they must get home so the dogs are not left for too long,its a big responsibility to look after another persons dog and we take it very seriously at Rosiesretreat so your dog has the best holiday ever and my minders can recoop for the next arrival and get some much needed sleep,and do they want more dogs of course because they love the little four legged visitors that love to come and stay with them it really is a DOGS WORLD