Its hot weather almost overnight and sometimes we are just not ready for it till we see the dog panting and uncomfortable,everyone has their own way to cool the dog down and the wet cold towel works a quick relief for our fur babies. Never be casual about a dog being hot they can go from hot to critical and as a vet nurse I have seen them die of heat stroke a they cant cool there bodies down so this summer get ready its not slip slop slap for our dogs its wet wet wet every way you can on the outside body and the inside they need hydrating. Some people think the big dogs outside are tough but big or small they can die and its our fault, hard word I know but its tragic to lose a dog this way. The wet towel is so good and not hard at all it just needs our careful observation for our dogs this summer they cant feel the heat till its too late so take care and throw in the wet towel for the dog.


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